Disclaimer Page

Affiliate Links Disclaimer

Last updated: September 2023

This Affiliate Links Disclaimer page is designed to inform you, the user, about the use of affiliate links on Bentley Blue Co. We believe in transparency and want to ensure that you have a clear understanding of how affiliate links work and how they may affect your interactions with our website.

What are Affiliate Links?

Affiliate links are special URLs that contain tracking codes. When you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase on the linked website, we may earn a commission or receive some form of compensation. This compensation does not affect the price you pay for the product or service; it is simply a way for companies to reward us for referring customers to them. This is at no cost to you. 

Why We Use Affiliate Links

Bentley Blue Co may use affiliate links to generate revenue and support the maintenance and growth of our website. These links can be found in articles, reviews, and other content where we may recommend products or services relevant to our niche or topic.

Our Commitment to You

We want to emphasize that our primary goal is to provide valuable and informative content to our readers. While we may earn commissions through affiliate links, we always strive to maintain our objectivity and integrity. We only promote products or services that we genuinely believe can benefit our audience.

Affiliate Programs

Bentley Blue participates in various affiliate programs, including but not limited to Amazon Influencers. These partnerships may lead to us earning commissions when you make a purchase through the affiliate links we provide.

Your Responsibilities

It's important to note that your use of affiliate links on Bentley Blue Co is entirely voluntary. You are under no obligation to click on these links or make any purchases through them. Your decision to do so is entirely at your discretion.

Affiliate Links and Cookies

Please be aware that when you click on an affiliate link on our website, a cookie may be placed in your web browser. This cookie helps us track referrals and commissions. Rest assured that these cookies do not collect any personal information.

Affiliate Links Disclaimer Changes

Bentley Blue Co may update this Affiliate Links Disclaimer page from time to time. We recommend checking this page periodically to stay informed about our use of affiliate links and any changes to our policies.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our use of affiliate links or this disclaimer, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Page.

Thank you for your trust in [Your Website Name]. We appreciate your support and hope that our content continues to be valuable to you.

Bentley Blue Co